By entering you agree to abide by these rules and our terms and conditions.
We strongly recommend that you read these carefully, before you enter, to avoid any misunderstanding at a later stage.
Unable to run due to injury/date clash/health reasons etc?
At CRE/LCRC we like to believe that we are fairly understanding event organisers. We are runners ourselves.
If you enter and then find later you can't take part, we appreciate that you won't want to lose your entry fee. Refunds are out of the question and no commercial race organisers offers them, due to committed expenditure made, based on the numbers entered - e.g., we must arrange the infrastructure well before the day and commit to employ or hire personnel and equipment on your behalf (one small example of this is that we pay the online supplier of your entry between 90p and £1.50, so that has been spent immediately). We try to keep our entry fees as low as possible but still allowing us to put on the events and raise some money for Les Croupiers Running Club.
For similar reasons outlined above about refunds, we cannot offer deferrals to our other events either. Although it may be possible to switch events in our 20/10 event, but this is dependent on numbers as it may already be full.
However, we do allow transfers. This means that you can get another person to run in your place if you change the details of your original entry to the new runner. You need to do this yourself by logging in to the on-line provider (Fabian4) as you did when you first entered.
There needs to be a deadline for transfers though, as we need to get all the bib numbers and chips ready and boxed; the entrants database downloaded, checked, and set up for the chip timing equipment and paper entrants lists printed out in alphabetical order ready for the registration team. So that we can concentrate on more immediate tasks in the last few days before the event, so we set the transfer deadline to the same as the on-line entry closing date.
For our events that allow entries on the day, you will also be able to get a transfer on the day of the race at the event HQ, provided the new runner brings proof (phone or paper) that you give permission for them to take your place, we will then swap the place to the new runner, and they will appear in the results. There may be an administration fee in some circumstances.
Affiliated or Unaffiliated.
If you run for a club, then your club fees go towards providing you insurance cover to run races. Therefore, when you enter our races, if you are a member of a club, you will pay £2 less. This is an insurance discount, as you have already paid this fee to your club. Being a member of club will save you money over the course of the year - the more races you run the more you save!
However, the club you state on application must be an actual registered club which is affiliated to UKA/WA. If you simply make up a name or the club you belong to is not affiliated to UKA/WA you are defrauding the organisers by choosing not to pay for the insurance cover required by law. This could lead to you being disqualified and refused entry to any future events.
Running on someone else's number
If you can no longer run the race and don't organise a transfer this can have some serious consequences, if you allow another runner to run with your bib/chip number.
There are several reasons why:
- The race insurance is for signed up entrants only and part of the entry fee affords them important 3rd party insurance cover. This insurance will clearly not cover runners masquerading as others.
- In UKA permitted races, the times in the results are fed into the 'Po10' and 'Run Britain' database for each runner. Clearly if the times are attributed to wrong person on the database then rankings and positions gained falsely are in essence cheating.
- Any prizes given on the day are based on race results. There are plenty of examples were the leading ladies appearing in the results were in fact men, or age group categories have been ‘won’ by younger runners. This means that the actual award winners were not initially given the correct awards and were deprived of their moment of glory during the presentation.
- In the case of medical emergencies there are real cases of grief and angst caused by this practice.
- Eg: A runner has a heart attack during the event. The organisers give the attending medical team the information of the runner from the race database. Not only are the wrong family contacted and another family not contacted when they should be, but incorrect medical treatment or drugs may be administered.
Please do not run using someone else's number. If we find out we will disqualify you from the event and reserve the right to inform your club/affiliated body.
Cut-Off times
In 5 of our events we need to implement a cut-off time. Before you enter make sure that you are capable of running the distance in under the time stated. We'd prefer not to have cut off times, however, in some cases the race permission gained from the local council is subject to this cut-off time, we also have to work with the venues that we use, and also within the timetable constraints of the event. Quite simply, if we didn't implement it, the race wouldn't exist. In other cases, we have created a cut-off time in the interests of our volunteers who help run the event. Marshalling, timing, etc is a demanding and tiring job and we can only expect them to be in their post for a reasonable length of time. If you continue running after the cut-off time, you do so at your own risk and are no longer part of the event. There may be no marshals in place to direct you, and the results team may have left the finish area and equipment at the HQ could be being packed away.
Cardiff 20/10 (20 miles) : 4 hours
Cardiff Taff Trail Half Marathon : 3 hours
CPR – 2 Day Challenge (Half Marathon) : 2 ½ hours
Cardiff Marathon Project : 5 ½ hours
Cardiff Ekiden Relay : 4 hours